The SCW Wood club has a CNC.
This is a computer controlled router to cut and carve wood on a flatbed. The wood shop has software named VCarvePro, from Vectric. Vectric granted the wood shop a Maker License for the software. The gave this to the club for a nominal charge.
There are 2 classes that members can attend to learn about the CNC. The first is a software class, and the second is a hands on review of the CNC machine itself. There are 3 computers in the club library that can be used to create designs using VCarvePro.
In addition, the Maker software license for VcarvePro allow club members to download the software on their home computer, create designs, bring the pattern to the shop to cut the design on the CNC.
To use VCarvePro at home, you must get the VCarve Pro Makerspace ID that is assigned to the SCW Wood club.Contact the CNC class instructor at the wood club to get the shops Makerspace Id. This ID will only work in conjunction with the SCW Wood club’s CNC.
To install VCarve Pro at home follow these steps.
- Go to the web site
- Click on the Downloads menu, then select Trial Software. Click on Download Free Trial for Vcarve Pro
- Complete the download and install on your computer.
- Open VCarve pro and select the help menu, then select About VCarve Pro trial Edition
- CLick on the button Enter MakerSpace ID, Type in or copy paste the SCW Wood club Makerspace ID
- Now stop and start VCarve Pro to complete the setup.
- When you restart VCarve Pro, the banner will state that you are running the Maker space edition
- Now create your design, put it on a flash drive and bring it to the wood club to complete the process
- The final step, called pathing, must be done at the wood shop